Acupuncture is the application of hair thin, one-time sterile needles into the energy (or acupuncture) points on the body, to increase circulation, tune the body, or treat the body of any and all ailments and illnesses.
Acupuncture treatment
30min $80
The 30-minute acupuncture treatment uses hair thin sterile needles to treat the body for a general tune-up or for any specific ailment or illness.
Acupuncture treatment + 30min Massage & Fire Cups
60min $135
This includes acupuncture, 'pai da' (bamboo broom -a gentle striking over the back of the body to increase circulation of the internal organs), Fire cups, and a 30-minute massage (either front or back of body). This treatment is used to treat all ailments.
Acupuncture treatment + 60min Massage & Fire Cups
90min $165
This includes acupuncture, 'pai da' (bamboo broom -a gentle striking over the back of the body to increase circulation of the internal organs), Fire cups, and a 60-minute massage. This treatment is used to treat all ailments.